Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Believers may I ask you a favor.?

Of course I am speaking of those who believe that flowers carry our souls. What else did you think I was refering too?

Today I saw someone step on a dandelion and heard a scream. Can we pray for the lost soul...tell me my brothers and sisters of the believers of the flower power...can we pray?

Believers may I ask you a favor.?
Can you believe my husband brought a DOZEN red roses home to give me as a PRESENT for my birthday?

What kind of monster does he think I am? I cried for days over their poor lost lives.
Reply:Let us pray. You pray to your flower god and ill pray to mine. Religious toleration at its finest
Reply:OF course, dear heart. You are such a sensitive soul.

You do know that the Dandelion was brought to America from Europe as an herb, don't you. Many herbalists use them regularly. I am not a follower of the Flowering Soul Religion but I do not poison Dandelions either. Have a great weekend.



Reply:Praying for your Dandelion, Sister--I hope it recovers!
Reply:I believe that every flower is the home of a tiny fairy, and that when you kill the flower, you kill the fairy.

What you heard was the scream of a tiny fairy dying...
Reply:I will pray for those who step on flowers to be more considerate but I do not believe thay carry our souls.
Reply:Just meditate on it.
Reply:I will pray for the lost soul of the dandelion if you pray for all the lost souls of the flowers in Western PA where we have experienced our first winter frost.


If more people believed we wouldn't have problems like this.
Reply:I poop on the flower that carries your soul.
Reply:I'll tell you what...

I will pray for you instead.
Reply:rebel you are one flower child who has abused smoking the lawn

riding boots

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