Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Would John Wayne (THE DUKE) Do If..... ??

some Hippy got up in his face packin flower power ??

What Would John Wayne (THE DUKE) Do If..... ??
He'd say....

"Pilgrim, you better get that out of my face, or we're gonna have a problem."
Reply:Shoot first and ask questions later
Reply:knock his dick in the dirt.
Reply:Put on his rabbit suit and say "Sock it to me" on "Laugh In".
Reply:wellll pardner....i'd like to see that one!!!!!
Reply:join him, and then make sweet sweet hippy love till the cows came home
Reply:Most likely laugh, shake his head, and tell them;

"Well, partner. To each his own, I guess. Now you go your way and I'll go mine."

John Wayne always had class.
Reply:Probably try to kiss him. Wasn't John Wayne gay?
Reply:Kick his tree huggin a$$!!!! Stupid Hippies nobody likes them anyway!!! long haired freaks
Reply:he would say, hi there pilgram i'll take a dozen.
Reply:Prolly walk off since he was only BA in the movies.
Reply:He would probably say, "Now hold on there, pilgrim. My door only swings one way and I think yours is swingin' another."
Reply:kick him to the curb....
Reply:Well, my husband John Wayne (The Duke) answer is to kick their a** plain and simple.

My husband's real name is John Wayne and he has been named The Duke by his friends at work.
Reply:give him a good ***** slappin'
Reply:ask him for a lid n whip out $5
Reply:Maybe he'd ask the hippy to plant the daisy's on the graves that all the bad guys would end up in. You know the saying," keep that up and you'll be pushing up daisies" ? Something like that.
Reply:He would give the hippy a big ole hug and tell him that he loves him and respects his right to his opinion. He would expound on the ideas of patience and tolerance to said hippy. And then would tell him that he acknowledges his place as a citizen of the global community and offer him a Fresca.

Then he would stomp a mud hole in the hippy's behind and then stomp it dry.
Reply:I dunno, but I'd turn them into a petunia!

heh heh heh heh heh

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