Monday, May 11, 2009

Is it too late to ask for peace?

Does the Anti-War movement of the 60's and the Pro-peace rallies of the Hippie/Flower power generation still has relevancy in today's world? Other than the fact that the message of peace might have a different meaning today? Should we have paid more attention to the calls for peace then and apply it to today's world? Is it so hard to achieve peace or is it easier for governments to make war despite the protests from their citizens?

Is it too late to ask for peace?
Sadly, I kind of think it's too late. The world's become such a right wing, capitalistic place. People are motivated by money, success, and their own personal gain, peace doesn't even come into the equation. A lot of people couldn't care less about the war going on in other parts of the world they're too busy thinking about how their life is going. I really wish the flower power days would come back (not that I was around to witness them), but I think I'm just looking through my rose coloured glasses there.
Reply:i'm afraid it is looking grim and VERY complicated now....Even changing the countrys leaders might not make a difference at this point.

Its an oil war- and the world will fight over the last few drops. When I was in school, they used to say we had enough oil for another 50 years. well, that was 20 yrs ago, so the day nears.
Reply:Never too late. go ahead.
Reply:Peaceful people are peaceful. We need to fight for peace against the warmongers. There's a conundrum for you.
Reply:Too late biblically speaking
Reply:It truly is easier to make war that sit down and talk about peace.

Help for melasma

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