Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another poem I would like opinion's on?

By Dustin A. Moody

Searching for life’s answers

Isn’t always easy to do.

Trying to find an answer,

Without even a clue.

Experience’s and friends,

Form our hypothesis.

Someday life will end

And so will our analysis

So as we search for the untold,

In our minds we try to unfold,

Complications we don’t understand,

Why life and problems fall hand in hand.

Yet every problem has a solution,

Clear your mind of mental pollution.

The one thing you must remember,

Is that life will always render

Things that just don’t make sense.

These things aren’t worth a second glance.

Within a negative institution,

There lies a positive solution.

This is where we must yearn,

Because the streets (LIFE) is how we learn.

That is where we get our power,

That is where our minds can flower.

There is a positive in every negative,

Be patient and be reflective.

I believe life was made to ponder,

Set your mind free let it wonder.

Situations may arise turning bad to good,

That’s because

Another poem I would like opinion's on?
really cool poem, I like it alot. Now for some constructive criticism. here "The one thing you must remember,

Is that life will always render

Things that just don’t make sense.

These things aren’t worth a second glance."

it seems like you were just tring to rhyme. I don't get the same energy from this portion that I do from the rest. Everything flows so well throughout the poem but here it seems to stumble a little, if you get what I'm saying. The rest of it is very good.
Reply:Wow, that was great. I think it reflcets the really important things to remember in life.
Reply:ITs a nice poem , lots of simplicity, even the rhyming scheme is good.
Reply:Excellent poem. Keep up the good work!

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