Monday, May 24, 2010

A poem by myself, tell me what you think!?

Forget Me Not

If I told you a tale woven with pearls, Would you wonder of how it came to be? If you were to ask, I would tell you this...

A lady of the wood lived within a whitened willow.

She a prisoner of her soul wore a single flower. The flower of sorrow. She lay in her tree and thinketh of something that might have been.

As she slept within in a dream on warm summer's eve,

She found herself looking upon a familiar sight.

A far away dream within a dream....Faded, yet passionate.

A deserted hope of a once renewed power of Promise,

The Promise of an eternal bond of sweet passion,

Once found within a heart of the blossoming flower of sorrow,

This Promise found through a premonition of forbidden freedom. Within a hope of a dream,

She woke to find her bonds forever cut with the razor of forgiving love.

A love that scars the face of deceit and smashes a prison of clear molten glass. And within the same night,

She left her willow to find the lost dream

by Lauren Edwards

A poem by myself, tell me what you think!?
It's deep. And if it's really by you, we all know you're Lauren Edwards, or at least, that's your pen-name. I'll be looking for your next anthology at Barnes and Nobles or Borders.
Reply:you wrote that?! thats a great poem! I really liked it, incredibly deep
Reply:Interesting would have been clearer and easier to read had there been proper punctuation.

You could easily refine your concepts and make your poem a lot clearer.
Reply:its really good. keep the work up.

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