Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do you want a President who's a member of the "elite?"?

I do. I want a President who, "by virtue of position or education, exercises much power or influence", one who is "highly skilled."

I don't want a President who lies about supporting NAFTA, chugs beer and Crown Royal with a TV crew and who flunked the D.C. bar exam. I don't want a President who calls her troopers "f***ing idiot" and confuses sniper fire with a little girl holding flowers.

Do you want a President who's a member of the "elite?"?
Whatever you say but right now all I really care about is getting a leader who'll strengthen more America's position in the world and the one who actually cares about the hardly 17-18 year old troops in Iraq and really meaning it and the plain fact is that we may not achieve perfection while in its discovery but to me, closest to that we may reach is probably someone who actually been under those condition. Know the pains and tough situations faced by troops and the closest to that we've got is probably John McCain. Once I was thinking it should Hillary but now I kind of am slipping toward the idea that it should be McCain. And if the "f***ing idiot" that you mentioned, then not her.
Reply:Hope you live in PA.

This here link shows how HC is in touch with the long suffering PA workers:

Marc Lasry and his sister Sonia Gardner founded Avenue Capital to invest in good companies with bad balance sheets. A decade and $12 billion later, the firm is one of the world's most global distressed investors....

MARC LASRY HAS A GIFT FOR RAISING money.....former president Bill Clinton, a pal of Lasry's and an invaluable drawing card....Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton...Lasry doesn't spend a lot of time ruminating about what others might think. In October he hired Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Bill and Hillary, as an analyst...

They don't like to invest in France because the senior debt there could be subordinate to employee claims," notes Lasry. "In France the system is geared toward helping the workers." They like to invest where the workers get shafted.
Reply:Yes I do. Not the aspiring global kind, not the self-appointed me-generation kind; I want the American Old-School gentleman kind, who come from families with people like WWII Naval Officers and with a well-rounded priority-conscious education from places like Annapolis.
Reply:NO!! there needs to be a cycle of power rather than the power staying within the elite and their friends/families.
Reply:I want him to be a member of the Elite( as in smart) , NOT an elitist snob
Reply:Vote for McCain if you want a person who knows how to behave in public.
Reply:There, there, sweety, go buy a T Shirt
Reply:Thank you for the definition of elite. I didn't think to look that up. It doesn't sound that bad at all. LOL
Reply:I don't consider him a member of the elite, which is why I like him.

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