Thursday, May 20, 2010

Please describe each Clow Card in your own understanding? In your own words?

These are the cards:

Windy, Fly, Shadow, Watery, Rain, Wood, Jump, Illusion, Silent, Thunder, Sword, Flower, Shield, Time, Power, Mist, Storm, Float, Erase, Glow, Move, Fight, Loop, Sleep, Song, Little, Mirror, Maze, Return, Shot, Sweet, Dash, Big, Create, Change, Freeze, Firey, Arrow, Bubbles, Wave, Libra, Through, Snow, Voice, lock, Cloud, Dream, Sand, Light, Dark, Twin, Earthy, Nothing, Nameless, Hope.

Please describe each Clow Card in your own understanding? In your own words?
The Arrow (矢)

The Arrow is an attack card capable of creating and firing a continuous stream of magical arrows. When used it resembles the Shot Card but fires a volley rather than a single homing shot. In its visible form Arrow is blue-purplish girl with a pudding basin haircut and two long pigtails. Arrow carries a short bow.

According to CLAMP, the Arrow is an attack card with an aggressive temperament, it is notable in that was introduced exclusively for the first Cardcaptor Sakura movie and did not appear in either the anime or the manga. It was captured during the movie's opening story arc, and played a pivotal role in the movie finale. It is exclusive to the anime and is one of only 6 cards whose transformation was not seen during season 2. She is under Firey.

[edit] The Big (大)

The Big card has the power to grow any person or object in size. Its physical form is that of a tall woman, dressed like a medieval princess with a divided hennin. Big is almost an exact copy of its sister card, The Little, except for color and height.

Big first appeared in episode 31 (Sakura and the Nameless Book) where it was both captured and used for the first time. It appeared again in Episode 55 where Sakura used it to restore herself to her normal size after being shrunk. She is under Light.

[edit] The Bubbles (泡)

As its name suggests, Bubbles is a mass of soap bubbles. It was created specifically to wash Kero. It was also used to wash dishes, and other things.

Bubbles is unusual in that was only ever referenced in the anime as incidental material, most notably during episode 36 when its capture was (partially) shown during a replay of Tomoyo's video library. Bubbles is transformed into a Sakura Card when Sakura uses it to bathe Keroberos in Episode 58. On its card, Bubbles appears as a young little mermaid girl wearing a blue gem necklace along with some pearls tied around her bubbly head. She is under Watery.

[edit] The Change (替)

The Change (替) is able to do things involving change. In the anime, Change is able to swap the minds (or bodies) of two people. This swapping can only occur once a day, and if a change is not reverted after some time, it becomes permanent. Syaoran and Keroberos become victims of Change's ability, resulting in a rather unique day at school and at home, before Sakura is able to reverse their switched minds a day later (Episode 32).

Change is transformed into a Sakura Card in Episode 53 during Sakura's frantic wave of transformations. It's under Dark.

The Change appears as a blue chameleon-like creature.

[edit] The Cloud (雲)

The Cloud creates thick clouds all over the sky which it can move however it pleases. Like Rain, it has a gentle and playful personality and is more mischievous than combative. It was captured in episode 39. Cloud is transformed during Sakura's panicked rush of transformations in episode 53.

The Cloud is under Watery.

[edit] The Create (創)

The Create (創) is able to give existence to anything written in its visible form, a mostly blank storybook. There is no limit as to what can be brought to life, provided the writer keeps Create opened and filled with ideas. It can also give the writer inspirations. Created life forms can interact with their surroundings, both benevolently and malevolently. However, its power is only active at night. In Episode 31, Naoko Yanagisawa (Nikki), after buying Create from its hiding place in a bookstore, writes a story in it about princesses, flying animals, and a dragon. All of the Naoko's imagined creatures, all bearing spiral eyes, come to life a short distance away in town. After its capture, Sakura continues to use this card to fight illusionary monsters, both for training and for Tomoyo's video recordings.

Create's transformation is not shown in the series. However, Create is seen to be transformed in a Video Diary - it is used along with Move to trick Cerberus with a lemon cake.

The Create is under Light.

[edit] The Dark (闇)

The Dark (闇) is able to warp space, creating darkness that can isolate and nullify non-magical beings if given enough time (like Erase). Dark is an elemental card in a category of its own, outside the four basic elemental cards and is the first card under Yue. The Dark, is special in that it cannot be physically attacked. It can only be sealed after two things. First, Sakura had to realize which card it was, like she did with the Mirror. Second, she must then find a way to break the Dark. The Dark interrupted Sakura and Syaoran's play in episode 42 where they were about to kiss, engulfing everyone except Sakura and Cerberus in darkness. Sakura was able to defeat the Dark by releasing the Light card which had been awakened all along within Sakura's soul. It was all revealed to be a test and the two cards requested to be sealed together. It is explained that Light and Dark, are always together, and thus are sealed together, and transformed (later in the series) together.

Dark's visible form is a regal woman draped in black with straight ebony hair. On its Card, it clutches a crescent moon in one hand, and a star in the other.

Dark is transformed in Episode 69; Sakura transforms it, with Syaoran's help, along with Light to end Eriol's spell. In the manga, Sakura transforms Dark (together with Light) in volume 11.

[edit] The Dash (駆)

The Dash (駆) is able to run at supernatural speeds for short distances. It can grant this ability to others as well. In episode 30 of the anime, Dash takes shelter at the home of Rei Tachibana (Jessie), one of Tomoeda Elementary's star track runners who takes in Dash after it escapes Sakura's initial attempt at capturing it. Dash helps Rei by speeding up her legs whenever she runs, allowing her to break records and to qualify for a position in the city-wide track meet. Sakura and Syaoran capture Dash prior to the competition, however, but Rei manages to advance to the final round on her own. She had been missing Dash, whom she named Peewee (Hoppy), but gains enough motivation to win the final hundred-meter dash when she sees an image of Dash at the end of the track. The image is not an illusion but Dash itself as summoned by Syaoran.

Dash's visible form is a blue, fox-like creature with long rabbit ears.

In episode 53, Sakura panics when Keroberos warns her that untransformed Clow Cards will gradually lose their powers and, in response, frantically transforms a small assortment of cards into Sakura Cards. Sakura's magic is still too weak to transform all the remaining cards, however, and she nearly faints after about the seventh card. Unfortunately, the last card she attempted to transform, Dash, had not been completely transitioned. Its being now stuck between two magic sources causes Dash to panic and escape into town, possessing Toya's bicycle in the process. Sakura and Cerberus chase Dash into the park, where Sakura uses The Loop in order to catch up and get close to it. She takes Dash in her arms and calms it until she is able to perform a full transformation. Dash is under Windy.

Dash reappears in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle manga, where a tribe of them try to sacrifice or eat the clone Syaoran to do away with a monster causing trouble in their realm. Syaoran discovers it to be one of Sakura's feathers and returns it to her.

[edit] The Dream (夢)

The Dream (夢) is able to create all sorts of dreams, including prophetic ones for those with magical powers. Though it is not aggressive or malicious, dealing with it can be difficult, as it is relatively undetectable when one does not know it is nearby. Like with Return, Time can be used to disrupt it. In episode 40, some of the primary characters have dreams that seem to represent their greatest desires. Tomoyo has a dream about being surrounded by millions of Sakura clones in her battle costumes, while Syaoran has a dream of being in an empty cinema where a romance film plays involving him and Sakura hugging on a beach.

One of Dream's visible forms is a mysterious blue butterfly. Another form is a female humanoid dressed in flowing robes and an elaborate headdress that covers its eyes, perhaps indicating its status as a blind prophet, such as the Greek prophet Tiresias.

In Episode 62, Sakura transformed Dream in her sleep, causing her to have a dream involving Eriol, Spinel Sun, and Ruby Moon at Tsukimine Shrine. Dream is under Dark.

[edit] The Earthy (地)

The Earthy (地) is capable of considerable property destruction by creating earthquakes and various other geological disturbances. As one of the four elementals and the last card to be captured in both manga and anime, it is perhaps the most powerful of the Clow Cards (except for The Nothing). However, in accordance with the Chinese balance of five elements, it is vulnerable to Wood. Sakura captures it in episode 45 using Wood. This capture finally allows Kero to become Keroberos.

Earthy's visible form is a giant serpentine pile of earth and rock. In the manga it appears as the woman depicted on the Card. The woman form is briefly shown in the anime while Sakura is sealing the card.

Earthy's transformation is shown in the anime for the same reason as the manga. In the manga (Volume 9) Sakura transforms Earthy in order to restore a hole made by Eriol at Penguin Park.

[edit] The Erase (消)

The Erase (消) has the power to make almost anything, including people, disappear. Erase also has the power to erase magical elements, once banishing a pit full of stuffed sheep created by Eriol during one of Sakura's trials. Once something has been erased by Erase it can be returned if the card is captured but, if that person or object is gone for too long, it disappears permanently. Erase also bears the ability to erase other people's memory.


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