Monday, May 24, 2010

McCain - "i detest war". Yet voted for Iraq war with all his experiences?

How many of these over 300000 dead Iraqis came to harm Americans before the invasion of Iarq?

When a super power is struggling to win a so called war, does that not signify poverty of experience of the pro-war American leaders?

And McCain/Hillary want to be the security president of USA?

Will the relatives of the dead Iraqis bring Americans "thank you flowers" in future?

What about the loss of lives of patriotic Americans that died due to poor judgements of those who voted for the Iraq war?

Can these old politicians America a break?

McCain - "i detest war". Yet voted for Iraq war with all his experiences?
Honey you are talking to the "hear no evil, see no evil" people. They are ostriches that have had their head in the sand for 8 years and are now upset because they can't figure out why our economy is going down the drain. It is no use talking to sheep. They just blindly follow anyone. The sad thing is the truth is out there and they are just too proud to look. Heaven forbid they are wrong and have to admit it! I am so glad I never voted for the duo!

Here is some interesting information. It tells the truth about the war from the people that actually worked in the White House at the time. Enjoy! It is long but worth it. The truth always is!

They might find this to be over their heads, so I doubt they will watch. Their eloquent answers prove that they are not interested in being educated.

They have all been duped to think it was "necessary".
Reply:I don't like war either,but I do agree with this war.

Of those 300000 dead Iraqis how many do you think were killed by Americans or Coalition forces? 95% were killed by Muslim Insurgents not soldiers.

As for the lives of the Soldiers, how many did you know and how many of them believed in this war? I have known several, and they ALL believed in this war. As do their buddies who are still there.

Can those of you who don't know what in the hell you are talking about give the rest of us a break? You are a disgrace to the fallen soldiers memories.
Reply:but yet, he stated if he was in bushes shoes, he probably would have went with the war also.

he stated that back in 2002 when he asked if bush did the right thing.

He said that are more than one occasion. wasnt until he ran for president that he changed it.

search youtube for the videos of the reporters asking him about it.
Reply:The US/UN went to Iraq because they violated their surrender from the 1st Gulf War. Part of their surrender was to not have weapons of mass destruction and let the UN inspect for them. Saddam spent years blocking the inspectors from going certain places. We know Iraq hated Israel since they seemed to have no problem just shooting rockets at them for no reason. Combine these 2 things and it really seems suspicious which is why the entire world felt something needed to be done.

The world loves oil and the Middle East is the best place to get easily accessible oil (cheap). Its in everybodys best interest to make sure Iraq is stable and not invading neighbors or shooting rockets at them.

Did we do a poor job once we got there? Yes, but we won the war years ago and have avoided using our fancy weapons at all cost because we don't want to offend anyone. Its now ours to fix.
Reply:McCain, like GWB, the Clintons, Congress and the rest of the world relied on intelligence that was provided by numerous sources to make the decision to go to war.

Also, we are not at war with the Iraqi people, they know that. The terrorists need to stop killing the Iraqi people. We are the good guys.
Reply:Most warriors detest war. But most realize war is sometimes the only answer open. The terrorists are bullies. No bully will be nice to someone who surrenders. Bullies must have their butts kicked to make them nice. That is just the way it is. Ask the Jews who tried to kiss Hitler's butt.

And we have an all volunteer Military. You don't need to serve your country. Just sit home and stop whining. Look for the facts about this war and don't just accept the propaganda spewed by the mass media. They hate America.
Reply:I believe President Bush and everyone else did what they thought was best for our Country at the time. Have you forgotten 911. They need to run the footage a couple of times a day so everyone can remember. We had a President who had to make a decision after FREAKING CRAZY high jackers rammed 2 planes into the side of 2 high rise buildings where people where just doing there jobs , lets not forget the other 2 planes filled with Innocent people who where coming home from vacation. The children that where killed in the day care. Have you forgotten that. Remember the shock, the fear. I do.Can you Imagine the pressure Pres. Bush was under. Its not like everything was cool and they just said hey lets go to war. Believe me we might not have found the weapons but I believe they have them. Don't be stupid. Should we have waited till after there attack.
Reply:What should he have said that he loves war? I don't understand your logic? We are protecting the Iraqi people and training them not killing them? So yes maybe they would give flowers for saving them, and killing the Extremists and terrorists to protect them and US people! Do You know what you are talking about? or just making up stuff in your head?
Reply:Saddam was responsible for over 1.4 million deaths before we invaded. In his 30 year rein that rounds out to about an average 47,000 a year by his hand. Nobody loves war, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. McCain made the right decision.
Reply:No one likes War. War is cruel and it kills. But sometimes it is neccessary. That is what McCain is saying. Where would we be if George Washington had been all, No War! War is Bad! let me put it this way : we would be having 4:oo teatime.
Reply:as all military members both past and presnt know wars are always bad but sometimes the only option

Iraq should have been dealt with the 8 years they thumbed their nose and robbed the UN under Clintons watch
Reply:Evidently only Genreal Patton loved war and maybe

Alex the Great
Reply:Why does it seem like only Republicans understand that Freedom isn't free?
Reply:What about your incoherent ramblings?
Reply:Nobody WANTS war. Even career military personal don't WANT war, you're ignorant to think other-wise. Sometimes it is necessary though.

And yes they already have, and will continue to bring flowers and thank yous to Americans. Look back in history, and find how badly they had it under Saddamns rule... and you'll understand how they can be thankful regardless of the casualties this war has brought to their people. I ask you -%26gt; what is the cost of Liberty?

And "Anne Coulter nut-case" read this and you'll no longer be ignorant to what McCain actually said -%26gt;

Questioner: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for fifty years…

McCain: Maybe a hundred. Make it one hundred. We’ve been in South Korea, we’ve been in Japan for sixty years. We’ve been in South Korea for fifty years or so. That’d be fine with me as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. Then it’s fine with me. I would hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where Al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day.
Reply:He said "I detest war"? McCain famously said in February, "I don't think the American people care if we're in Iraq for 100 years," and now he's flipflopped AGAIN.

The rightwingers are just gonna say "You don't have sources" but they're hacks. AnyonebutMcCain 08!
Reply:i forget what i voted for..give an old man a break

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