Thursday, May 20, 2010

When flowers and plants grow,they just grow,no creator is helping,...?

them to grow. Might as well,say everything made it self. Why not? Why give your power to the belief in a creator to weaken your self?

When flowers and plants grow,they just grow,no creator is helping,...?
Reply:Well, you might be 5 and live in a city tenement building making a statement like this. I've spent the last 2 weeks down in the dirt planting seeds and plants and watering them faithfully and will likely do this most of the summer if I want a good harvest.

But even with my hard work, those seeds came from somewhere, that water came from somewhere and so did the soil.

I do not see giving the credit to a Creator as weakening myself in any way. I plan to have eternal life. Weak is thinking this is it and it all happened by chance.
Reply:They don't grow all by themselves, they grow according to the laws of chemistry, physics and biology.

The question therefore is where did those laws come from in the first place?

What caused the first life to begin?

And where did the matter and energy that made it all possible originate from?

The big question you have to ask yourself is did life and the whole Universe just make themselves out of nothing?

Have you ever known nothing to spontaneously turn into anything, let alone anything useful?

Where did thought and self-awareness come from?

Where did our built in sense of right and wrong come from?

After all, if we simply the end result of an ancient mud puddle struck by lightning then right and wrong are whatever we decide that right and wrong are - there is no higher moral judge to use as out bench mark of goodness, there is no moral difference between a Hitler and a Mother Teresa because there is no creator that we will ultimately be answerable to - so just go and do whatever the hell you want to.

Why not?

Life has no reason or purpose if we are only here because of a lucky roll of the dice. (Actualy for everything to happen in just the right way at just the right time would have required trillions of consecutive lucky rolls of the dice.)

Doesn't it take more faith to believe the lucky dice than it takes to believe that it was all designed and made by an all powerful, super intelligent, all knowing force who exists as pure energy (spirit) and is outside space and time, and not subject to the laws of Chemistry, Biology and physics because he created those laws?

The reason we call him "God" because he is God and only God could do all those things.

If there is no God, where did we come from?

You see people believe in the big bang, where two gases came together and bang here I am writing you on a computer.

To me that takes much more faith than believing in God.

The "experts" teach that evolution happened, but they can't prove it! Yet people laugh at Christians who say we believe in God, go figure?

The only reason the public perception is that the evolution is proven, undisputable fact is because of the censorship and peer pressure applied to any scientist with a dissenting point of view. This is not a one-off as we are already seeing similar dishonest tactics in the causes of Global warming debate.
Reply:Can you spell photosynthesis? Change it? Can you explain it? Manipulate it? Control it? Stop it? Can you make the sunshine? Clouds? Rain? Did you set the Planets in order or number the stars? Did you know the earth sits upon NOTHING in space? What holds it up?

You ask "Why give your power to the belief in a creator to weaken yourself?" probably not realizing that this question represents the mindset of Satan, and this attitude is what got satan kicked out of Heaven....

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

YOU will not draw your next breath if God is not willing. He is longsuffering so that you may come to know Him:

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Reply:its a survival function, everything is.
Reply:I think simple water, sun, and some nitrates in the soil helps them grow. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Reply:who made that first seed, that first sun that first rain....that first speck of dirt......
Reply:Not only can a flower not create itself- you can't create one either-or yourself.
Reply:You got it...
Reply:God made the plant,s and made them to grow.
Reply:And your proof for that statement is.....?
Reply:Bad Jesus shines his light on them and makes them grow...
Reply:without the rain, they would wilt and die..,.without kind of get the point...nothing just grows

family nanny

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