Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are YOU SICK of.... ??

fascist, flower power, vegatarian, tree saving, hippys forcing there opinons on you??

Anyways... whats wrong with eating red meat, driving V8s and shooting vermin ??

Are YOU SICK of.... ??
Dang!!!Are you for the south?! I agree 100%. I do value your opinion but, I don't like it when your opinion is the right one all the time...I deal with that everyday...Ain't nothing like a big steak on the grill, with deer heads on your wall!
Reply:Yes. Fascism and racism are everywhere you go in this planet, you won't escape them.
Reply:billy likes tree huggers,
Reply:You forgot Jehovah's Witnesses. We shoot at them up here.
Reply:nothings wrong with it if you have 1000 acers of land to do it on!
Reply:Nothing's is wrong with it..although I do believe that people should be aware with what they are doing to their environment by driving such a big engined, gas guzzling car and maybe not use one everyday!

As for the vegatarianism...why shouldn't we eat meat?! It's part of a balanced diet!
Reply:my vote goes for ..... political correctness!!! i hate all those expressions and attittudes, get me on my nerves.
Reply:I don't let such things affect me. To each his (or her) own.
Reply:OK, I agree with all that except for the part about saving trees. We do need trees, you know. Because we like to breathe. I know what you mean about fascist liberals forcing their ideas on everyone though. Good night!
Reply:I think it's so funny how kids use the word "fascist" these days. Do you know what it means? I don't mean can you copy it out of Wikipedia either. Define it by the way you used it in your question. Interesting how you included fascist, tree-saving and hippies (not hippys) in the same phrase. Sounds to me like you heard your parents, or other adults , use those words together so you are repeating them. Explain what you meant. How did this happen to you? Are your parents Republicans?-- just a little question of my own.
Reply:idk, I disagree! I got the hots for this hippie type of chick, shes clean shaves and all that, and smokes mad dope :) Shes good peoples, now those other long haired, petulia smelling, greasy *** dredlocks need to all kill themselves.

I must be a hippy now

because you need to save the trees if you want to save the world from global warming etc %26amp; don't shoot the poor animals
Reply:There's nothing wrong with eating red meat, driving V8s and shooting vermin.

There's plenty wrong with putting the term fascist in the same line with hippies and flower power.

I will definitely agree with you that militant vegetarians are a darn nuisance. I had one friend who responded by saying she'd be happy to go on a vegetarian diet if she could get a steady supply of vegetarians to volunteer!

And while I consider myself a hippie (also hippy, but that's another story), I left flower power behind me many years ago. While I love trees as much as the next one, I do not fight people who cut them down in a responsible fashion. It is only clear-cutting that needs to be limited to special circumstances. And I do not fight people who do whatever they want on their own private land, as long as they do not thereby mess up someone else's land. Or air or water.

It is true that some Politically Correct types tend to get a bit overbearing, but that's not hippies per se. Do you know where the term Politically Correct comes from? From the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, that's where! When there is only one political party, as is necessarily true in any communist regime, there is only politically correct and politically incorrect. The latter go to prison. But this country has several political parties, and the term is about as arrogant as the Democrats have ever gotten.
Reply:not really.....
Reply:I thought hippy's were extinct. Oh great they're back. I have to call in an emergency NRA meeting now. Hey Ma' load up my rifle the hippies are back and it's hunting season. Fuel up the Expedition and start burning some frest cut lumbar in the barbi toss up some steaks and ribs.When I return I'll be hungry and awfully tired of hearin' about free love and flower power. You cant make gasoline out of flowers! What's next solar power? Love aint never free just ask my cousin Dinah her shift start at midnight on the corner. She's the one in the fishnet stockings with the ciggarette and too much aquanet in that hair.
Reply:Those kind of people give me a laugh now and then. There's not a damn thing wrong with Eating red meat, Driving V8's or Shooting Vermin.More like necessities.

You live in a country that affords you the opportunity to express your opinions FREELY, just like they have.......that is the beauty of a democracy. If this were not, you surely would have been arrested or killed for even thinking such thoughts.

%26gt;%26gt;So instead of being ANGRY towards these fascist, hippy types in the future....... why don't you STOP %26amp; GIVE THANKS THAT YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY YOU DO WHERE YOU CAN OPENLY VOICE YOUR THOUGHTS.

Reply:yes, I'm sick of them

smile on your brother

everybody get together

time to love on another right now
Reply:Yes I am sick of them, and nothings wrong with anything you said.
Reply:nothings rong wi eating meat its super do0oper well avn driven a v8 n dnt killl wee animals hektic :P buh its gd to ave a smeke a weed n say peaceee :):):) peace out ma mann ;)
Reply:No, I'm not sick of myself . .. yet.


Reply:not realy.
Reply:i'm not sick of being a vegetarian, and i don't say it's bad to eat red meat, but i do feel so sorry for those animals because i saw them when they r killed; it's a big difference between what u see in the supermarket and what you see when they kill them, and i also experience less allergies, in fact that's the main reason

about hippys yeah i don't really like their way of dressing

and fascist: i'm the one, because i like their hierarchy
Reply:Theres a foodchain and we're at the top so it dont matter as long as we dont wipe out whole species with out a good reason.
Reply:...that's what I'm sayin!
Reply:Just cool it, man. Peace and love.
Reply:You mean people who don't want to live in canoes because of the rising sea levels? I hope your car floats.
Reply:I'm sick of the world's bullshit. :)


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