Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If the whole U.S. went vegan tomorrow, wouldn't it just be like admitting defeat?.?

In a time of war don't we need meat eating warriors and not flower powered vegans?

When the Democrats win this election won't we see an increase in government mandated vegetable dishes? Won't meat farmers be run out of business?

If the whole U.S. went vegan tomorrow, wouldn't it just be like admitting defeat?.?
Meat farmers could start growing organic vegetables and soy for a living.

Leave the animals alone, we have slaughtered enough and put them through torture for far too long.

Meat is not necessary for our survival.

I would welcome this change with open arms (:
Reply:Who said all Democrats were vegans? A lot of Democrats I know enjoy eating meat. Besides, it's well known you can have a balanced diet without meat. Many nutritionists say Americans eat far too much meat.
Reply:I hope you will run out of business.
Reply:haven't you figured it out by now. it doesn't matter if a democrat or republican is in charge. those days are over.
Reply:I am a Dem and I enjoy my meat lol. Not all Dems are vegans. I believe in a balanced diet. If you cut out something that can be beneficial to your health, you are putting yourself in danger.
Reply:You're right, the whole country would be devistated. Rice and peas should stick to the mud dwellers. And protine does give energy to our "warriors" but bean give just as much protine. So the argument is debateable, but i agree none the less.
Reply:i think it'd be great if the whole damn country went vegan!!! it'd be about f-ckin' time! and since when does any branch of evil, er, i mean, government, have to do with deciding one's personal diets/ethics/morals...?

i see nothing wrong with more vegetable dishes....it'd cut down on a lot of the *bad* fatasses that're slothing around in this country! i say *bad* because not all those who are overweight are that way purposely...medications, conditions, etc, etc can be culprits...i'm talking about the lazy f-cktards who do nothing but eat crap food, don't exercise, don't take care of themselves, don't shower! haha... there is no excuse for being a kid and weighing almost as much as an adult! it's called...save the videogames for when it's torrentially pouring or snowing outside....and even in the snow....go outside and ski/snowboard, play in snow, snowball fights....SOMETHING for f-ck's sake! haha

but i digress... i agree with joyce t's thoughts... we need to THINK and stop stuffing our faces. any moron can feed themselves; it takes a thinker to feed themselves correctly, economically, and humanely...

the meat farmers can turn to caring for the animals, instead of branding, scalding alive, de-beaking with hot blades, castrating without anesthesia, slitting throats half-way leaving them to stagger violently around and bleed to death, live dissection, transportation in totally inhumane conditions, force-feeding chenicals/food, denying veterinary care, malnutrition, worker abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, ....need i continue...?

needless to say, if what happened in some slaughterhouses happened to people, this whole damn country'd become herbivores in a heartbeat...or at the least, people would be brought up on war crime charges...

some...food for thought, friend...

peace always
Reply:Do you really think your "enemy" gives two shi*ts what you eat? Questions like this prove a revolution is past overdue.
Reply:Isn't there a passage in the bible that talks about children who are vegetarians being healthier than children who eat meat?

Also, by your logic, shouldn't we all become vegans and save the meat for the people who are in the military and at war?
Reply:This is a silly question. Meat eating has nothing to do with your political affiliation. Personally, I think the war was a big mistake, since there were no significant WMD and at the time al qaeda was not connected to Iraq.

I am not a vegetarian, but since I am over 50 years old, I think it is a good idea to try to eat some healthy foods every day, including fruits, vegetables and fish. If we don't, then we stand the risk of getting heart disease and other medical problems.

I have to hand it to you. I've watched you guys try to blame the Democrats for every thing, but this is the first time I've seen anyone try to paint them up as potential food Nazis. Congratulations. you give new meaning to the word absurdity.
Reply:Demoncrats can't be vegan, according to Bill, Monica ate meat!
Reply:No, to all of the above. Diet is a personal choice, the govenment does not mandate what we eat, nor will the whole word turn vegan. It just won't happen.
Reply:During World War II, people ate much less meat and had "victory gardens" in their backyards.
Reply:I really don't think there is that large of a number of democrats who are vegan or even vegetarian... Where are you getting your info from? FOX news???
Reply:i didnt know we were at war with cows
Reply:If America went vegan, we could greatly reduce the need for imported oil. Heart disease, diabetes and obesity rates would drop saving us billions in health care costs. Warriors aren't needed to win the war. Big thinkers with long term vision are needed to work a peaceable solution. Think bigger than warriors kicking butt. Short term goals got us into a mess that cost 2 billion $$/day. That's an expensive oops.
Reply:Dude... There's protein in just about every food... including many vegetables. And most Americans, Democrat and Republican, are canibals... excuse me, I mean meat-eaters.

And the government is what keeps the meat bussiness in business. If it wasn't for the subsidies that the government gave livestock farmers, meat would be close to $35 a pound. Then a lot more people would be vegetarians.

And the goverment can't mandate anyone to eat anything!!! Granted, I think murder of the animals for food should be illegalized, but it just ain't gonna happen. Too many canibals still in America. I mean, too many meat-eaters.

In the Bible, Daniel and his three friends ate only vegetables and water, while all the other youths intraining for the King's service ate lavish meats and wine and oily foods, etc. The four who ate just vegetables and water were much healthier than the other youths. I don't believe in the Bible, but someone brought it up so I thought I should share what I know...
Reply:With all the produce probs we're having, I don't think it would be a good idea.

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