Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just been on the news.........?

There is a new report out from the usual 'flower power, kids are young adults, a stranger is a friend I don't know yet' do-gooder groups

The Police have just been granted more powers to 'stop and search' kids for knives. Apparantly they reckon it could antagonise the kids!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh diddums, how about not carrying a knife? is anyone else getting sick of the UK attitude 'lets not say anything because the little darlings might get upset'. What next?

Just been on the news.........?

Yeah, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

They are throw backs from the do-gooders that stopped parents from physically chastising their kids.

If I so much looked at my parents the wrong way, I would get a cuff across the back of the head, and god forbid if I EVER answered them back!

I'm not saying that physical violence is THE answer, but certainly the threat of it made me think twice before I EVER did anything remotely wrong or illegal.

Also the breakdown of the family has a lot to do with it.

I could go on and on, but don't want to bore you with figures and facts etc.

But, yes, you're absolutely right, what next?!
Reply:It's an attitude that needs altering and if a "kid" is carrying an offensive weapon he/she deserves everything they get.

Perhaps I am being racist here and quite wrong (I have no intention of being politically correct ever) but I seem to think it is usually black/coloured ethnic minority people carrying these weapons as part of a "manhood" excercise, in the same way as I started smoking at 15 years of age. On that I learnt sense by the time I was 30

Colour or not I think a very hard line should be taken by the Police, CPS and the Courts in this matter and I am sure that the ethnic minorities feel the same way
Reply:I agree, and it's the same in schools...teachers are instructed not to correct all the pupils' spelling mistakes lest it gives them an inferiority complex.Form names like 3A, 3B, 3C etc are now banned as kids in 3C would think they weren't as clever as those in 3A...well guess what...they're not. Teachers are not supposed to shout at kids lest they become upset.

'Modern' parents don't smack..they put their misbehaved kids on 'the naughty step' (I ask you!)

No wonder there are more misbehaved, out of control, undisciplined, disrespectful children around today than there ever were in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s put together.

'Moofie's mom ' makes sense...I'm sure Moofie will grow up a

decent, respectful person.
Reply:Sick to the back teeth and seriously wishing somebody would bring something new in like using the stocks. Human beings hate being humiliated - I think humiliation should be an integral part of many punishments. And I would like to see corporal punishment return to schools. The cane was a terrific deterrent and was hardly ever used. Failing to punish young people and force them to take responsibility for their actions fails them completely.
Reply:**** the little kids, I am in favour of harsher sentancing if you are caught carryng a weapon. If the prisons are too full, I would put them in the army. The army needs more recruits,and these little animals seem never to have had any discipline in their lives. The wouldn't act so tough away from thier friends with a 40 yr old sargeant major screaming into thier faces, may be just the thing they need.
Reply:I know an EXCELLENT way for the police to deal with the guns and knives brigade::: Anyone found carrying them on a stop and search should have them used on them...... and suddenly it would all stop! Unfortunately, it will never happen, but I CAN DREAM........
Reply:Who is in control here? The kids or the Police. They need to take charge and search them if necessary. Either that or let the parents do it.
Reply:Stop looking for knives they're carrying guns anyway.

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